Rubik's Craft Rampage
Rubik's Craft Rampage is a PVP Bounty Hunting Game which will spawn server wide violence. Every day you will be assigned a bounty to go after as well as an assassin who will go after you. You will obtain points by killing players and the player with the most points will win the grand prize. The game ends January 30th (The End Fight).
Grand Prize
How to Play
To join the game you must sign up by renaming a piece of paper at the Rubik's Craft Rampage building at spawn to your IGN and placing it into the chest. Every day at 12am EST (5am UK), a new bounty will appear in your labelled barrel.
You will then read the book that contains the name of your bounty and then place the book back in your barrel. You have until the next bounty refresh at 12am EST (5am UK) to get the kill and leave the player head in your barrel.
Rule 1: No looking at other players bounties [Tier 2]
Rule 2: No wearing helmets [Tier 1]
Rule 3: No using Invisibility Potions [Tier 1]
Rule 4: Players must repair any damage to builds/ farms and replace destroyed items in a hunt for a bounty. [Tier 2]
Rule 5: No Combat Logging [Tier 2]
3 Points for killing your bounty
1 Point for killing your assassin
Negative 5 Points for violating a [Tier 1] Rule
Tier 2 Offences
If a player breaks a [Tier 2] Rule they will be removed from the game. Said player can rejoin the game with a diamond block payment, however their score will be set to 0.
If a combat log happens due to a connection error or personal issue, the assassin will be given a kill credit and the offender will be prosecuted for a [Tier 1] offense.
Extra Notes
Traps are allowed but please try to record it so I know it was a trap.
Also try to record/clip your kills if you kill a player with a method that does not include your name in the death message.
Please try and leave a piece of paper with the name of the player you killed if they did not drop a head on death.
Players can join the game after the game has begun (January 13th).
Players can leave the game at any time and if they wish to rejoin, they can at any time and proceed with the same score they left off with.
Some things can happen in the game that have not been outlined in the rules, so Isman21's decision is final.
I also understand that sometimes players won't be online so later in the game players may receive multiple bounties.
All kills must happen the day of the bounty. Player heads from previous days will not be accepted. If a player dies to another method while running away from another player, that counts as a kill.
Rules are subject to change as the game progresses depending on the atmosphere. (Hopefully I don't have to change them)
Feel free to ask for any clarification on Discord @Isman21